«I can only imagine those hands are filthy from fry grease, weed resin, and butt crack. How pathetic is it to cop a feel like that when you're not even gonna get laid?»
Look at all those creepy hands
«Later she gets raped and is in shock that it happened to her»
«Look at that slut loving every minutes of it. Who wouldnt? The more gh3tt0 the harder he go.»
«I'm surprised at the civility displayed by these blks, they were polite enough not to drag the woman to the floor and rape her azz.»
«The kind of thing mickey_lynne02 from insta does so she can get more meth»
«Doing the trump and grabbing her by the pussy. This is what you bhenchods support»
«They were smashed, probably woke up the next afternoon wondering why one hand smells like they had to unclog a toilet without a plunger.»
«Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.
If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.»
«If grabbing pussy is that easy over there, I don’t understand why all those men come to our country.»