Famous jewelry supplier screw dishonest jewelry business owner

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:49 Views: 12K Submitted: 4 days ago Submitted by:
Famous jewelry supplier screw dishonest jewelry business owner
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
1 +1 scriptkiddie 1 day ago

«shekel shaving, EA ITS IN THE GAME»

3 +1 HateYew 2 days ago

«Never trust the J...»

3 +1 Pablocoo 3 days ago

«OMG, like, almost one person gives a fuck. Almost.»

4 +1 Knight1403 3 days ago

«This trex or what the hell his name is
Is just another attention whore
He buys friends and attention by giving waste jewerly to people in new york public streets.
He thinks he is the shit because he got some clout and cash... Just look him up on streetbeefs TraxNYc vs another jeweler, buddy has zero hands and zero cardio, he runs on cocaine :devil: he says everyone else is the problem but really he is the problem.. Also New york jewerly stores are robbers, never buy from New York, its trash:angel:

0 +1 cy4ka 3 days ago

«Being mad is gey»

0 +1 Knight1403 3 days ago

Who is geh?
You not geh?
You transgender?

19 +1 ItsallBS 4 days ago

«Dumbass doesnt know jews gonna jew»

22 +1 jan33 4 days ago

«the jews have gone back to work to cheat honest people who work hard typical jews want everything»

1 +1 Knight1403 3 days ago

«@jan33 Honest *cough cough*»

0 +1 essence25 22 hours ago

«@jan33 And now they are bankrupting entire nations! He knew, translate his speeches!»

6 +1 Sb@303 4 days ago

«Lighten up Francis»

10 +1 ELSHABAH 4 days ago

«He talks all shit and rides a fucking scooter? And they’ve been playing him for a long time but he kept coming back? Moron.»

3 +1 Buttwagon 4 days ago

«Kamala was going to fix "price gageing", right after she learned how to pronounce it.»

3 +1 1Connman 4 days ago

«Cocaine ain't cheap.»

1 +1 Cope_libtards 4 days ago

«@1Connman and the quality has gone out the window.»

19 +1 Kunter-X 4 days ago

«The Jews did the same thing in Germany, they quietly positioned themselves in powerful places.
The controlled much of the economy, Hitler said no fucking way, while most of the Germans passively did nothing.
These are the same Jews in Israel, these Jews do not have a Biblical heritage aligned with God.

3 +1 ELSHABAH 4 days ago

«@Kunter-X Jesus was a Jew.»

0 +1 OneTrickPony 2 days ago

«@ELSHABAH >> "Jesus was a Jew", and the Jews killed Jesus and they seem to be pretty fucking proud of it too, listening to them talk about it.»

0 +1 Kunter-X 2 days ago

«@OneTrickPony The Jews that crucified Jesus was the "Religious" sect called the Pharisees.
Jesus exposed their order and their power over the people blinding them from the truth.
The Apostle Paul was a Pharisee until Jesus pointed him to the truth and Paul believed.
Paul also witnessed against the Pharisees.
The Jews ruling Israel are not Jews but Edomites and yes they are fucking evil.

0 +1 Kunter-X 2 days ago

«@ELSHABAH Yes he was from the lineage of King David, There are Jews with a Biblical heritage and believers that Christ is the Messiah and you have Jews that are The Pharisees of the Traditions and Laws of men and you have the Sanhedrin who functioned as the Courts and Judges.
These are the Jews who Jesus is referring too.
Many believed Jesus Christ as the Son of the Creator and many did not only trusting the Pharisees and Sanhedrin.

1 +1 Fartcakes 3 days ago

«@Kunter-X bahaha shut the fuck up with your retarded sky daddy bullshit. All religions are gay and ran by kucks»

0 +1 Kunter-X 2 days ago

«@Fartcakes Saya the guy who sleeps with the lights on, LOL!
If God does not exist, then evil does not exist, so why then are you so fucking afraid to walk in the dark by your self?
Why do you have chicken skin from fear at something?
No sky daddy, no evil right.
One thing for sure is we all die, the thing with Christians is we are not afraid to die for me it's just hurry it up so I can leave this filth to clowns like you.
But you, you're so fucking afraid of death you reek it's stench.
You fold in the fetal position and cover your ears like a little piglet.
The Worm is coming for you in your sleep, when you're awake, you'll never know, but Sky Daddy knows.

2 +1 half.wombat.4444@maildrop.cc 4 days ago

«Silly video. Give it a miss.»

18 +1 luol-dengue 4 days ago


3 +1 Chiseler 4 days ago

«@luol-dengue jew-elry»

20 +1 Harperson 4 days ago

«I think you need to learn what 'famous' means... Never heard of the cunt.»

1 +1 billiexXxjean 4 days ago

«@Harperson you never see him before on social media? He's always bragging about those expensive shitty bling bling jewelry he had in his store»

1 +1 Cope_libtards 4 days ago

«@billiexXxjean never heard of the jackass. Not everyone has a tic toc account.»

1 +1 Cope_libtards 4 days ago

«@billiexXxjean never heard of the jackass. Not everyone has a tic toc account.»