«maybe airlines should weigh travelers and luggage. simple.»
Fat 'Travel Influencer' Demands Airlines Give Morbidly Obese People an Extra Seat for Free
«Because there are too many fat people in America that's trying to fly that are 3 or more times their normal weight. Not only they take up more space, but they also add more weight to the plain's gross wt..»
«Move to Canada where you'll feel right at home with all the other moose.»
«I watch skinny travel bloggers. Who will pay for an extra seat or 3 extra seats to ensure that they get the whole room to themselves. Just because your ego takes up 2 seats doesn't mean that you get them for free.»
«If you weigh TWICE as much as the average, then yeah, they should CHARGE you double!»
«Shouldn't this creature be throwing barrels at mario in donkey kong.»
«Obviously one of Trump's type of woman.
Feeds well on McDonald's LOL. Like him.»
«It's all a PR game. Just tell fat people that the second ticket is actually an all you can eat deal. They'll lap it up, no question.
Apart from that; pay twice or loose weight.»
«why would you get any bigger than that, what if the aisle becomes a problem, what kind of allowance do you get that allows you to travel and complain»
«why is she traveling anywhere with a face and body like that no one needs to look at that and ruin their day.»
«fat leftists should be parachute in Palestine ,,,,let hamas eat that thing »
«If you have enough money to keep yourself morbidly fat, then you should have enough money to purchase a second seat for your other butt cheek »
«Imagine being such a lazy fuck that you need ai to narrate your shitty videos.»
«Ticket prices should be calculated by weight.
Surcharge for passengers weighing more than three hundred pounds.
Put a scale at the checkin counter.»
«Lmao, wow! Definitely not playing this one, in fact I wish I could delete it from existence. If when a video of any white girl recording herself is stupid as fuck 100% of the time, then a video of a fat tiktoker white girl is sure to be stupid as fuck at least 150% of the time.
There are way too many stupid people alive lol»
«They should travel with the other cows . I fucking hate fat lazy people..
Damn !! I hate 80% of all americans»
«Well then move to Canada you fat cow. If it was my airline, you'd be thrown below with the baggage.»
«I'd misgender it and spend the whole flight knowing i going to Guantánamo Bay when we land»
«They should just make the seats as big as they used to be. Won't help her, but they'll do anything to get one more row of profit in that plane.»
«I'm Canadian, that's just one of the stupid things we do. Why the f shouldn't you pay more. Ship a 10 box and then ship a 100lb box, so it's supposed to be the same price, bullshit. You can afford the food to be the size of a hippo and you expect others to pay for you? What about the poor SOB that's forced to sit in the seat next to you while you ooze over.»
«She needs to pay extra for the fuel used.
What if she had a medical emergency? She's a risk.»
«I fell bad for this anti-healthy, obese, gluten and self entitled human Jabba the Hutt. The stench that must be emanating from it must be intolerable, can you imagine that thing sitting next to you on a plane?»