«sounds like a beat. sample that and make something. anyone?»
«what the fuck is he saying?»
«Real nice tiddies»
«@LordTorquemada very nom nom»
«untie it for 5 minutes so it can make the sandwiches»
«@madmonkeh and get the beer»
«This is her latest work.»
«HAHAHAH how random to throw a croc at her head»
«@LiveLockAndLoad in some cultures, throwing a shoe is the ultimate disrespect»
«Must have drawn a bad caracture of him in myrte beach!!!»
«Very important detail, well maintained toe nails. Its all in the details.»
«@HankyPanky58 lol»
«dale do packetesuba»
«@LucifersGod dolly does packets of sugar»