«Yeah he shot off his ass through his stomach . Hopefully this thieving piece of shit will live and live with the constant reminder of why you should not take what doesnt belong to you .»
Store Owner Blows the Ass off of Thug Robber
«That couldn't have been a shotgun live round, shit would have been dripping out of his asshole right straightaway. Something went flying behind him, so it sure looks like a world of hurt nonlethal bean bag. The problem with these 3rd world cesspools is that he gonna be comin' back with his friends when he gets out of the pigsty for some payback, a couple packs of smokes and some canned piss. Oh yeah. He might as well close up shop now.»
«It's always a good idea to punch someone who has a shotgun pointed at you. It shows that you tough.»
«It was a bean bag round. Would be a giant hole in his guts and blood splatter all over the floor if it was that close range and a live round. Still hurts like a mofo, but hardly lethal»
«Definitely a smart idea to punch the guy with a shotgun pointed at your balls an inch away»
«The one who titles the videos doesn't seem to know ass from dick. Lol»