«put plastic bag over head leave few holes to avoid asphyxia, problem solved»
Braindead Liberal Chick Thinks Trump will Deport her Mom...Who's a LEGAL Citizen! Lol
«Why the fuck is can spelled with a capitol D a forbidden word??????????»
«Otherwise you will end up in Mexico with only your dick and 25 cents in your pocket being pimped out by Stern.»
«If she is a legal resident of the United States then she has nothing to worry about. I'm sure this useless Godless female is an anchor baby.»
«Not just her mom. Her citizenship was illegitimate. Everyone, they broke our laws via illegal entry. Two wrong don't make a right. They all got to go, and apply for legal entry and fill out the forms like everyone else. They can't just bully their way into the country.»
«How hard is it for libtards to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration?»
«I thought they weren't going to split up families and just deport the whole family.. »
«Deportation is expensive. Can't we load them onto old school buses and drive them off a cliff into a quarry?»
«The sweet taste of leftist tears... To ease the pain for these leftist, euthanasia facilities will be constructed soon for those with Trump Derangement Syndrome.»
«I was born here and carry ID every damn day. These stupid liberals are so unhinged. It's not that fucking difficult.»