«just trying that on a country with real macho ape men... like latin american soccer fans... they shoot you for not singing loud enough»
LOL: Dude Goes to College Games Wearing the Opposing Teams Gear to See How Triggered he can Get People
«No Fathers and raised on the dole. ... and crazy bitches.
Kid does have big balls thought»
«No one hit him though,strange to see the black guy stepping up to break them up,very rare.»
«and we wonder why the parasitic elites can play us all like a fiddle and to stop us venting our anger at them, divide and rule us, keep us infighting, sporting / entertainment bread and circuses to take our attention and keep us pacified!»
«The players couldn’t give a shit about those morons.
Hero worship of someone that plays with a fukkin ball!
«Bunch of fukking retards with their group think mindset, only Americans are this level of sheep.»
«The guy standing on his tippy-toes is just funny as hell- "How's the weather down there?" »
«What has happened to common decency in the USA? Are these all Jets fans or something? .»
«Brave man. It is a good demonstration of how fucked up we've become.»
«Very brave to be around moronic tribal sheep like these we really haven t moved far from the jungle And people wonder why War is and always has been the main occupation of the human species In case you haven t got it We live in a dark DEATH Planet full of violent MORONS Why do you think the Aliens only watch us from the skies ....»
«That, ladies and gentlemen, is the result when your parents are brother and sister.»