«Don't show this to the mofos running HAARP because they will step on the gas pedal and upgrade the hurricane to the next level.»
Hurricane Helene Won't Stop Trump Supporters From Flying Trump Flags.
«and this proves what, they want to suck the cock of the psycho they worship?»
«That's precious. Hopefully trump will show up down there and start throwing paper towels at people to show how little he cares about any of them.»
«Radar and satellite doesn't lie. The "hurricane" is obviously 100% man made, they can't hide the microwave focal points
on either side of the center of the vortex. I'd post the pics on here but no way to do it. The patents for hurricane starter tech is out
there. All the hiding & denial, but they still had to register the tech lol. The IR Sat feeds show the Tornadoes that hit Texas & Oklahoma
were beamed into existence. Those pesky satellites captured the IR energy beams firing the storms up, just like the geoengineered hurricane.»