«muslim exposes his cult members are maing europe a shithole»
Andrew Tate Reveals Why The Elites Are Allowing Mass Immigration
The rules are made to benefit the people who make the rules...
«I hate this immoral douche bag but I have to admit this was entertaining. "They'll be living next to this guy, with a knife!" I hope many wokists get the pleasure of meeting superbrokies with knives.»
«“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”
― Warren Buffet (7th richest man on the planet, investment genius, $149.9 billion in wealth)»
«He made it so simple even leftist tards should be able to understand. Emphasis on 'should'»
«I see America and the American people becoming more like Mexico and Puerto Rico Brazil and Venezuela. The dollar value is going to be nothing more than toilet paper.»
«That's the plan. A 1% ruling world wide elite and a 99% slave class where everyone is poor and owns nothing. Sound familiar? This is why americans should close their fucking border... like right fucking now. But american patriots refuse to act. They sit back and pin all their hopes on Trump. Trump is one man and there's already 30 million pieces of shit that have crossed the border and almost all of them will be impossible to deport. Trust me when i say that. You'll never get rid of even a significant amount of them. They will never leave. The effect on the country will implode it.»
«He is not wrong, is he?
If the price of 'making the super rich even more super rich is that normal people get poorer and their neighborhoods turn into third world hellholes, that is a price the super rich are willing to allow normal people to pay.»
«Is Tate in jail yet? Or maybe a mental institution? He's
obviously lost a few billion brain cells.»
«Communism; elimination of middleclass left with 10% wealthy (corp/gov't) and 90% serfs.»
«Omg.. it's like @Essohbe talking. Blah, blah, blah.. look at me. Stfu.»