The Only Time you can Laugh at a Police Officer and Get Away with It..Pooped his Pants too
«It's safe to say there is a GROWING disconnect between the citizens and the police.»
«I'd have to quit and relocate after this. That's more embarrassment then I could take.»
«People are always laughing at the british police.
It's funny when muslims beat them up.»
«Faggot leftists bitch should go hang himself properly now for betraying his nation and fighting to let the foreign animals take over his country. They should use the faggot as a piniata and smash his skull in while he's helpless. Kick him in the guts until he really shits himself!»
«This is fantastic! Should have spanked him with tree branch or a belt while he was hanging there.»
«Considering these are the same dudes enforcing "wrongthink" laws in the totalitarian state of UK, I have little sympathy.»
«"Dont help him hes a police officer"
I wonder who this piece of shit calls when he needs help or is in serious dager or home is robbed, his mother?»
«This was when he suddenly realised that he was just a faggot, hiding behind a uniform, he now wears a dress and is much happier.»
«That's Not poop its Blood-Moon from the Reaming he got at Lodge lastnite Lol»
«I'm thinking his period had just started. Big girl's panties LOL.»