«long time I do not take religious people for humans. They are animals, bugs anything you want but not humans. I show my treatment demonstrative. Religious people are the main foes for real personalities. Rel. people murder on every period of humans history. no mercy. The best religion is atheism. They do nor murder, dominate, do not state what godd and bad is, what everybody may dress etc.
am I alone who thinks so?»
What? 400 People Killed by Group Linked to Al-Qaeda...Some Forced to Lie on Top of Each Other to Fake being Dead
Burkina Faso has seen a massacre carried out by a jihadist group called JNIM, which is linked to al-Qaeda. According to news reports, the group killed more than 400 civilians digging a canal, leaving civilian victims with no choice but to lie on top of each other for protection.
«FKing Haji up to his old tricks again - come on now, it's the religion of peace. Every haji MFer in the world needs to be eliminated. You can't fix these shitheads »
«What was with all the pointless shooting you can hear? None of them moved - they were allready dead from the looks of it. »
«Has ANYTHING of value, ever come out of Africa? Besides diamonds & oil? LOL»
«Most if not all of these terrorist groups are whore vassals of western/eastern zionist entities that want to keep the poor african nations enslaved in debt and plunder their resources.»
«Africa needs to break away from Europe and sink into the lava flows under the planet.»
«This is only half of the good battle! The shooters just need to all sit in the same holes afterwards and blow their own brains out and the work of the universe would be much closer to where it should be!»
«When Trump freed 5000 Tailban/Al-queda soldiers from prison, this is the end result.»
«If there god approves of this then he must love fucking pigs fuck allah»