«They need them dumb,so they don't know democrat policies.»
Anyone Have any Ideas why This College only has a 5% Graduation Rate?
«Well I know why there's starving people in Africa. These fuckin hippos ate it all!»
«Graduation rate 17.3% ! Free student loans democrats at work.»
«The Reason 90% of them won't complete college in this video is as follows.
◆ Whatever the hell is going on here more than likely is on the US Governments dime. (student loans)
◆ Most of them will spend grant money on material items (colorful apparel, shiny metal, etc.) and not use it to make it thru each semester.
◆ 89% of the women shown in this video will be a single mother in the next 2-3 years.
◆ The US Government would never say shit about "their culture" b/c they need bodies for the next generation to keep the "Private Prisons Systems" cash flowing in their pockets.»
«0% of them woman are fuckable and most will be unemployed or work at mcdonalds»
«Within days they'll drop out cause they're pregnant if they aren't already. And then one pregnancy per year for at least 5 years. And the the ghetto raises the kids. The future is bright»
«These are the same 'educated' women that will look down on a master electrician for not having a degree.»
«hopefully they will breed out and nothing like these will exist in 150 years?
just cannot get my head around that black american women are targeting the FAT build as a model.»
«Amazing how powerful the brain is. Just by watching the video i could smell the B.O. and shitty swamp ass
Even though it wasnt real, the visual was enough to manifest that in my mind.»
«Do they offer ebonics, taking advantage of the welfare system and eternal victim mentality as majors?»
«They will be JUST AS uneducated as when they arrived.
'Reparations' should not be a course of study....»