«Dickhead judge»
WHOA: Man was Sentenced to an Extra 558 Days in Jail for Cursing at Judge.
Respect or not. Judges sentence according to the crime not by how much their ego gets hurt.
«Figures he goes off and does it to the white man, if it was a black man it would be, Time served, Time served, Time served, Time served, Time served, Time served.
Besides that, US & Canadian law contempt of court can only be applied once, not numerous times.»
«What you morons don't get is that this is justified and yes it IS legal where if you curse or threaten or disrespect a judge in anyway shape or form it IS considered contempt and he is allowed in certain states a minimum of 90 days as punishment, Keep opening your mouth and he gets to extend the courtesy of adding additional days, All he had to do was keep his mouth shut!»
«Won't stick. Can't be in jail that long and there are limitation to contempt charges.»
«I'm pretty sure this is illegal and that there are limitations on contempt of court»
«Considering jail is a confinement for 364 days or less, the man would need to go to prison to fulfill anything over 364 days.»
«Tyrant judge. Unfortunately, defendant exciting his first amendment is not completely protected in the courtroom. Person swearing at the judge in the courtroom can be charged with contempt of court.»
«It's a stupid and barbaric little rule concocted by the government. Sure punish a man for his crimes against the people, not your fucking little ego. Sad that our taxes go towards paying uneducated, easily riled up mooks like this judge.»