«Put a goddamn patch on.»
Multiple Vax'd Genius Can't Figure Out Why She Keeps Stroking Out.
«Even more incredible is the entire interdisciplinary team of specialists who can't/won't figure out either.»
«Heck no, she's fine. She just needs another vaccine to keep her safe from this. Couple more vaccines and she'll be just fine. The idea is you want to get as many as you can in rapid succession»
«Enjoying your brief moment of fame for 15 seconds Quasimodo. Unfortunately, the sense of shame, a valuable creation by God, seems to be lacking in everyone at the moment. Instead of discreetly retreating to the shadows, many choose to revel in their lack of shame or embarrassment, proudly embracing it for the fleeting spotlight on TikTok.»
«so where's the proof that any of this was caused by a vaccine? or that she was even vaccinated as she never states that in the vid. only gullible idiots get their news from social media.»