Did White Boy need to Kill Him Over This?

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:07 Views: 11K Submitted: 11 months ago Submitted by:
This is why we’re told to keep our hands and feet’s to ourselves

He was defending his property. I'd like to see how this plays out in the courts
Categories: Shooting
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
16 +1 freelance2023 10 months ago

«Welp, it always seems to be one side showing all the aggression, and frankly, I'm pretty sure a lot of white people are tired of the bs they've seen over the last few years. Btw, if you're a US citizen, it's gonna get MUCH worse :D»

6 +1 bakenbeans420 10 months ago

«@macklinjasper139 So do black people, you just isn't hearing about it cause that would make blacks look bad. The cool thing right now is to make white people look evil, while making black's look like innocent angels who could never hurt a fly.

You do realize the number of black on black violent crimes massively trumps the number of mass shootings? And if you consider that some of the mass shootings were done by blacks, it makes them statistically significantly more violent and prone to mass murder.

30 +1 Butterdick_Jones 11 months ago

«Dindu Nuffin fvcked around and found out. :ermm:»

8 +1 BannedGarcia 11 months ago

«He's justified cause he's white & superior lol scumbag»

2 +1 bakenbeans420 10 months ago

«@BannedGarcia No, no, your right. He IS justified, for the exact reason you stated.»

13 +1 ZeitgeistTruth 11 months ago

«Thats about a 7.9 in the FaFo scale.»

12 +1 Ficker 11 months ago

«Well yeah»

30 +1 TheFullBeanz 11 months ago

«Why not? He was protecting his property.»

44 +1 ringza 11 months ago

«if it was a black guy shooting white guy doing that all charges dropped. This guy is probably going to get time for this because hes white.»

0 +1 Mack Daddy $100 11 months ago

«@ringza stupid»

41 +1 Whitemyass 11 months ago

«I'd shoot a white or black guy who fucks around.»

18 +1 godlovesyou 11 months ago

«What a big shit country, they kill themself everyday for uselses reasons.»

2 +1 Mack Daddy $100 11 months ago

«@moghaazi Should be you»

35 +1 TrueObserver 11 months ago

«Shoot him some more before he utters the I can’t breathe quote»

25 +1 wrath04 11 months ago


26 +1 cpartida 11 months ago


25 +1 lordzedd 11 months ago


63 +1 Jamezz 11 months ago

«I'm more than happy to leave blacks to urban inner cities. They're a violent species by design and influence with minimal capability to harness a toddler level of intelligence. They act on oblivious emotional input and anger and violence are the only output. It's funny they say white nationalism is the largest threat but being proud of your heritage and culture is not bad. The funny part is the largest threat to Americans are these African immigrants»

0 +1 Mack Daddy $100 11 months ago

«@Jamezz but white people go into school and kill little kids. Wow»

34 +1 Jamezz 11 months ago

«Because they are deeply troubled creatures and have no accepted place in the world except from being in the company of similar degenerates. They are mostly avoided an people look away in disgust upon seeing their often times weird physique and brutish facial features..This leads to frustration, envy and hatred towards humans with purpose like family, jobs and all around usefulness. Lots of Trannies commit suicide because of this dead end street....(pun intended)»

38 +1 Adolf Eichman 11 months ago

«Very good double tap.
Personally, I'd have emptied the full mag into his twitching corpse, just to be sure.

14 +1 Dan 11 months ago

«He was protecting his property. Im just not sure how the DA will call this one»

4 +1 SmartOP 11 months ago

«@Dan : You can't use deadly force to protect property in all 50 states.»

38 +1 FucYew 11 months ago

«Blacks do this all the time and for much less.»

1 +1 godlovesyou 11 months ago

«@FucYew Appeal to tradition»

30 +1 Razgendal 11 months ago

«That's euthanasia of a black "chimp" by white "boy" in my book.»