«Those coppers should probably kill themselves. Bushido demands it.»
LONDON HAS FALLEN: Men Being Arrested For Posting Facebook Videos Criticizing Muslim Extremists
Met Police have just turned up in the dead of night to arrest a gentleman in front of his distraught wife who is battling stage 4 cancer.
His crime? Showing disapproval of Palestinian flags flying all the way along his local street.
The video posted is where this post begins, you can hear the gentleman doesn't threaten anyone, he just voices his displeasure on what his neighborhood has turned into as Palestinian flags hang in front of stores.
For this, he was visited by the cops in the dead of night and hauled away to jail as if he were in an Islamic state and he committed blasphemy.
«Scary. England let too many of them into their country. All Brits should do the same as this guy in solidarity against these islamists.
For many Decades Israel has warned the world about the extremism of Islam. . .n Europe didn’t listen, but doubled down n took the most
radical Muslims into their countries, by the many millions. Even most Arab Muslim countries didn’t want them because they knew how radical
some of these so called migrants are. Good luck with that lol»
This is what you (no, not you, i am not one of those assholes pointing finger at everyone, talking in general now ) voted for.
I am Croatian and have been discuisted what is happening here..... while you guys have at least 30 years advance you didnt do nothing.
I would laugh to you, but as a father of 5 i am scared as hell.»
«Oh' this is just the beginning my British pals, just wait until they're beheading you in the streets......»