The Decapitation Of 17-Year-Old Asia Ferguson... The Worst Case Of Death In Six Flags History!
«First of all they're going to sue the amusement park. I guarantee it. Probably something about race and wasn't protecting him from himself some kind of lawyer finagling that will blame the amusement park. the pattern is after a tragedy I'm noticing the family sues the shit out of anyone they can no matter if it's their own fault. The person who was injured did something wrong and yet they're going for money. It's sickening actually and there's a pattern of not taking responsibility for your actions with our young people.. It's a sad case but whose fault was it at 17 you know right from wrong. If you disobey an order you suffer the consequences. at 17 you're almost an adult. At 17 I was a Lance corporal in the United States Marine corps.»
«I was hoping to see a decapitation video. I was looking forward to watching it. »