«Japan loves freaks!»
Trans now Competing in Men's Bodybuilding. Trans man compete in bodybuilding competition
Duration: 0:45 Views: 8.3K Submitted: 1 week ago Submitted by:
Cripple 1 week ago
«The definition of the word "freaks" has taken on a whole new meaning today.
That's what ALL trans people are-- FREAKS.»
LiveLockAndLoad 1 week ago
«I'm signing up next year as a "Trans" man. I just bought a 2012 transit van so i'm now eligible»
SilanganinPhilippino 1 week ago
«something is wrong with the government, or just the governor»
Salinan 1 week ago
«i don't understand. is it a woman or a man? if it's a women posing as a man trannie why does it have titties? i'm confused»
fordmadion 1 week ago
«what an utter freak show,no one want's to see these creeps anywhere,just die already.»