«Spot on! America is full!»
Joy Villa just stunned everyone at the Grammy's talking about President Trump's deportations.
"I'm a Latina. My family came from this country to this country legally. And I love to see r*pists, human tr*ffickers deported. I don't want to see them here."
"As an artist and a musician, I want to be able to walk at night and not think that I'm going to get killed by an illegal alien."
«She's a scientologist. She has no critical thinking skills left. Not surprised at this opinion.»
«It's a shame that an intelligent clear-thinking girl, has to waste her time reiterating common sense.
Anyone who disagrees, is either a bonebrain or corrupt.»
«the grammy's are a joke,no real talent has had a grammy for 30 years,look at over rated beyonce and her pedo partner,I wish the building collapsed with all these talentless leftie scum in it.»
«Makes too much sense. I'm gonna my to binge on Cheetos and threaten people on reddit now from my keyboard I can't fit behind anymore because I'm 400kg»
«My friend was deported 20 years ago. Trump wasnt around. His life was ruined. Nobody complained back then. Idiots.»
«Right, like how ICE round up Native Americans. They showed their reservation ID to ICE. ICE agents said they didn't even know Native Americans has reservations ID. ICE decided they must be fake. Talk about DEI hire. Nope they are not. This dumb bitch will never talk about that. »
«Trump is going to let the ones that are paying taxes and support themselves stay,but if you are on welfare or commit any crimes they will be sent back as they should.»
«This is too much commonsense for a DemoRat to understand. We need to break it down into 50 parts for them. Add juice time and coloring books?»