«A bunch of spineless motherfuckers on that train.
How in the fuck does no one stand up and literally cripple this waste of life threatening a family?
I would put on a great fucking show for the camera, because I'm getting really fucking sick and tired of this demographic making the world a terrible place to be.»
Racist Black Man so much Disrespect to White Family with Kid
«That's how you feel when you have big black dick so you can't blame him he feels superior to white , and us asians.»
«LOL... that black Trump supporter's head looks horribly
like a giant penis!
«Their so fuckin jealous, I mean who wants to look like a stinky turd their whole life?»
«this is what someone that has no brain function acts like,which means he voted for kamala.»
«Yea I just rolled with it till I saw the child - then he would have rolled with a 9mm between the eyes»
«He's just mad cause he knows he's on his way back once ICE gets him»
«this is what happens when you try to lock up the D@niel Penny's of the world.»
«There is a saying that still rings true to this day: Give a White man a pile of bricks and he'll give you a city. Give a black man a city and he'll give you a pile of bricks. They are not like us.»
«Sorry, in front of my wife and kids... I'm throwing on this mfer! Especially when he steps to my family. I'll choke that black bastard to death.»
«They call that "black rage"....it's from 400+ years of "oppression". Yeah.....that's it.»
«Just Da niel Penny this piece of shit and let’s get on with the day…..»
«When Black's were proper blacks. Living in Africa . No civilisation. No culture. No alphabet. No written language. No mathematics. No medicine. No astronomy. No wheel. No clothes. No farming. Still living in stone age mud huts. The only infrastructure they have ever made. They have neither the intellectual, mental, or emotional abilities to equate or to share equally with white men in any function of our civilization»
«"I'm black American. I'm over you!".......yet represents a race that can break every law in the country and remain a victim to live in a White society. »
«When he got close to them I thought he was going to suck them up through his nostrils»