Charlie Kirk left her absolutely speechless.

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:48 Views: 13K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
Watch Charlie Kirk discuss abortion with a liberal college student who becomes utterly speechless.
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
4 +1 Bikerholic 3 weeks ago

«Murder is murder. If women can kill their babies whenever they like, men should be able at a minimum abandon their child whenever they feel like it. Equal treatment for all, gender equality. Women should never have exclusivity to murdering babies. All women have to do is be responsible with whom they sleep with. 8-)»

5 +1 Nutmeg50 3 weeks ago


3 +1 usernamewasalreadytaken 3 weeks ago

«The fucking seal choked on the bucket of sardines.
By the way... who the fuck would want to impregnate you?

4 +1 RandomTruth 3 weeks ago

«Don't worry folks, the WEF and WHO have the solution.»

2 +1 tommix1 3 weeks ago

«Charles in charge. Except for his determination that abortion is never necessary.»

6 +1 McBLOB 3 weeks ago

«If I knew you were pregnant with my child not only would I pay for the abortion I' d perform it myself.....»

11 +1 LiveLockAndLoad 3 weeks ago

«Lol the girl behind her turned into a clown. Im crying HAHAHA»

3 +1 tommix1 3 weeks ago

«@LiveLockAndLoad Sure it's a girl??»

1 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@LiveLockAndLoad when anything gets THAT hideously FAT, "it" no longer has any right to be called male or female because "it" does NOT have ANY shape (besides BIG FAT BLOB) that resembles a male or female.»

5 +1 LiveLockAndLoad 3 weeks ago

«They never let anybody speak a damn sentence»

20 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«now go take your flabby ass home so no one has to see your face and take your pig friend with you.»

13 +1 KMA8675309 3 weeks ago

«Other than rape/incest...if you don't want to get pregnant, KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED!»

6 +1 DINKSTINK 3 weeks ago

«@KMA8675309 no shit these sluts take no responsibility»

7 +1 Captain-Kremmen 3 weeks ago

«"Never medically necessary?"
What planet is this guy from?

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@Captain-Kremmen The planet: Retardo, in the Nebulous system, of the Vacuous sector.»

10 +1 ELSHABAH 3 weeks ago

«Why is it always the butt ugly bitches with the least chance of getting raped or knocked up. The creature behind her would have to pay someone just to see her topless. No one is impregnating these cows.»

1 +1 Cope_libtards 3 weeks ago

«@ELSHABAH there are hundereds of guys that would stick it to both of these cows. Several are here calling the rest of us gay.»

1 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@ELSHABAH u forget the non-reflective types, they have the esteemed reputation of impregnating anything that moves, or doesn't move.»

5 +1 MPX 3 weeks ago

«I fully agree with Charlie but only! if we are dealing with a potentially competent good parent! who's fully capable of offering that child everything it needs or has the option to be adopted right after birth by people who would worship the ground that newborn is crawling on.»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@MPX or a big enough oven and good set of carving knives. Oh, and lots of ketchup, if it tastes bad, which it will from behemoths like those. They must eat garbage every hour from the dumpster.»

10 +1 sirmrmikey 3 weeks ago

«I'm curious as to wtf is that behind her»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@sirmrmikey you'll need a few litres of industrial bleach as eye wash if you find out.»

6 +1 Dr.Dip 3 weeks ago

«opened a part of the brain she chose to shut off.»

4 +1 Haywood Jablomi 3 weeks ago

«I think it's important to iterate that were totally fine with minorities killing their offspring. We're not stupid»

4 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«Of course she/it is speechless, fat & stupid, they go together, like ice cream & aids. Get an intelligent girl (if there is such a thing) up there and she will rip this Charlie Chong a new brain hole. Every intelligent person knows that before the meat based object is born, it's not a human yet.»

7 +1 46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago

«Speechless white-guilt indoctrination student...»

4 +1 flerken 3 weeks ago

«I think parents should be allowed to abort their child up until it is of legal age.»

2 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@flerken fuck yeah! Gives the parents 18 years to make sure it's not retarded or stupid.»

1 +1 MPX 3 weeks ago

«@Doctor_Clot_Shot i say PUNISH! WHOEVER DECIDED TO IMPREGNANTE OR RAPE A UNFORTUNATE PERSON! that's the real culprit here! just look back at your parents one of them is a freak and the other is moron who cant even distinguish a healthy person from a sick one. they should've been prevented from procreation but NO NO NO lets just kill the child if its retarded! YOU TWO SHOULD BE EXECUTED ON SIGHT FOR THINKING LIKE THAT!»

5 +1 bigdawg1888 3 weeks ago

«Keep fucking em up Charlie love this go.»

6 +1 ShallowGrave 3 weeks ago

«Dude's spot-on.»

6 +1 dingus369 3 weeks ago

«I think we should kill rape babies»

2 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«@dingus369 remember your words when you die»

4 +1 dingus369 3 weeks ago

«@Hackintosh Kill and or castrate the rapist, but don't force the mother or child to carry that burden their whole lives.»

2 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@dingus369 unless the raper had a very high IQ and a pleasant personality, generally all around nice guy, with no bad genes.»


«@dingus369 Babies of rape would've been a better sentence. Yours made you sound like a baby raper/killer....»

1 +1 Haywood Jablomi 3 weeks ago

«@FREAKAZOIDALMANIAC Rabies is probably easier for everyone»

0 +1 Doctor_Clot_Shot 3 weeks ago

«@Haywood Jablomi Submit that to the dictionary board of new words. Rape babies = rabies»

7 +1 ScreaminMime 3 weeks ago

«Let the next chick speak one line, "Should I be forced to breed Charlie?"

Check mate.

1 +1 Hackintosh 3 weeks ago

«@ScreaminMime nobody forces these hos to have premarital sex»

2 +1 ScreaminMime 3 weeks ago

But they do, and YOU would force them to take it to term costing us 10s of thousands, dummy.