Jewish Psycho says she's buying gun, Shooting every White Male she sees

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:38 Views: 9.5K Submitted: 3 weeks ago Submitted by:
Source: libsoftiktok

No information on who this woman actually is could be found. If anyone has further information please take the time to post.
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
0 +1 tommix1 1 week ago

«Becoming a junatic makes her jewbilant.»

0 +1 ELSHABAH 2 weeks ago

«She can use Kamala’s Glock, aka finger guns. Like this libtard would know how to shoot a gun.»

5 +1 Malahk 3 weeks ago

«That'll be a lot of dead jewish males, seeing as they don't tan anywhere else but israel»

9 +1 Motherfocker78 3 weeks ago

«Hope she buys the gun and ends up shooting herself. These liberal retards don't know how to use a gun.»

7 +1 essence25 3 weeks ago

«So she is looking for an Albino?»

14 +1 AstralOverseer 3 weeks ago

«She should be reported but all the agencies are ran by the same nuts like her.»

0 +1 Cope_libtards 1 week ago

«@AstralOverser not for long.»

5 +1 cy4ka 3 weeks ago

«This is why you should carry cockroach spray, or just throw money and run in the opposite direction.»

12 +1 jelly09 3 weeks ago

«It's moral now to commit violence against this bitch if you see her. It's called Pro-Active self defense and it's 100% Moral even if it's not yet legal»

10 +1 Kman_indyflesh 3 weeks ago

«I'm your huckleberry.»

9 +1 CreosoteHead 3 weeks ago

«Adolph come back all is forgiven.»

3 +1 madmonkeh 3 weeks ago

«@CreosoteHead he was far too nice on them»

27 +1 46HIALEAH46 3 weeks ago

«Send this thing to Gaza...»

15 +1 Chris.P.Bacon 3 weeks ago

«It's the second video you uploaded and titled "Jewish Woman". The 1st one was a Christian woman and in this one, you have "No information on who this woman actually is" so clearly you are trying to spread hate by lying to people. Is your boss Iranian by any chance?»

11 +1 legal_alien 3 weeks ago

«anti-whiteness 50 years in jail minimal sentence :alien:»

11 +1 munwon 3 weeks ago

«bring it bitch!»

3 +1 Swerty 3 weeks ago

«From her inbred middle east cult. Religious abortion.
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.
Hosea 13:16
Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes;
their houses will be looted and their wives violated
Isaiah 13:16

8 +1 kansaiking 3 weeks ago

«as racist as it gets....................»

4 +1 Kunter-X 3 weeks ago

«She's probably crying, whimpering, sobbing and all the shit women do in jail right now awaiting trial, LOL!
Fuck You, very much.
I'm only 1/4 Caucasian but just fuck you.

2 +1 legal_alien 3 weeks ago

«@Kunter-X you are a dark white, you count as white»

2 +1 Kunter-X 3 weeks ago

«@operator2 I'm Maori, Hawaiian, British, Hispanic = Long Story»

2 +1 nleeklee 3 weeks ago

«unless you repent.. jesus will shoot you forever when you die.»

25 +1 Dixie_Wrecked 3 weeks ago

«Personally I wouldn't worry about this. She is a libtard and probably couldn't tell you from which end of a Glock the bullets come out of.»

3 +1 ivan joyderbum 3 weeks ago

«Annie Wilkes: He didn't get out of the COCKADOODIE CAR!;(»

9 +1 Buttwagon 3 weeks ago

«Singling out one specific type of person, blaming them for everything, and murdering them is what Nazis do.»

23 +1 prince of trolls 3 weeks ago

«April 30, 1945 is the most regretable event in history. The world would have been a better place.»

6 +1 CheeseyVaginas 3 weeks ago

«It's these people that are living other people's dream lives and are the most ungrateful and inconsiderate to their fellow man let alone American while they complain on their iphones what a fuckin joke they need to start mandating sanity checks next election.»

8 +1 Cope_libtards 3 weeks ago

«Good luck with that.»

22 +1 fordmadion 3 weeks ago

«democrats are pigs and mental there is no place for them in society,no one would even care if they all disapeared over night.»

8 +1 oktherebub 3 weeks ago

«Enjoy jail stupid pig.»

15 +1 H4NDY 3 weeks ago

«These mf talking about how Trumps gonna "ruin the country" at the same time they're talking about committing mass murder ????»

20 +1 radioedit 3 weeks ago

«5 bucks says first punch makes her cry.»

16 +1 phergus 3 weeks ago

«Psycho demoratzis...»

11 +1 GateCreeper 3 weeks ago

«I think its auschwistic! :woot::woot:»

21 +1 The_Carcass_Kid 3 weeks ago

«Should be easy enough to track down?»

7 +1 Womb.Raider 3 weeks ago

«Did she just say white like Stewie says cool whip?»

2 +1 LordTorquemada 3 weeks ago

«@Womb.Raider lololol»

18 +1 KMA8675309 3 weeks ago

«I do NOT understand these Jewish people that voted for Heel's Up & Tampon Tim.
They SUPPORT the antisemetic behavior of the middle east terrorist that want nothing more
than EVERY Jewish person to be executed.
It's like saying "Cows for McDonald's"

5 +1 legal_alien 3 weeks ago

«@KMA8675309 they are anti-white first, then anti-muslim second»

7 +1 Seekhelp 3 weeks ago

«Why is she speaking English a white man's language. She should be speaking semitic Arabic. Why is she dressed like a white woman. She should be dressed like an Arab woman»

31 +1 Blindeel 3 weeks ago

«More discrimination against the white man in the safe white civilization that he created.»

19 +1 romentyler7 3 weeks ago

«she's in jail now right?»

7 +1 LordTorquemada 3 weeks ago

«Who's mom is this?»